Posture Power: The Secret Weapon for a Complete Postpartum Recovery

Posture Power: The Secret Weapon for a Complete Postpartum Recovery

Today’s topic is posture – something I’m extremely passionate about. Posture doesn’t get our attention too often, unless we find ourselves in pain. But here’s the thing, training your posture should not be an after-thought. It should be front and center as a pain management, injury-prevention and lifestyle enhancement tool. Here’s why it’s especially important postpartum.

The Modern Dilemma

Our bodies are incredible machines, finely tuned to perform a wide array of tasks. However, our modern lifestyle often demands less movement than our ancestors’ daily routines. As a result, our bodies have adapted to this sedentary lifestyle, leading to various health issues, with backaches being one of the most common. But here’s what I believe: movement is life.

From a scientific perspective, movement generates kinetic energy. The more we move, the more energy we accumulate. This energy can be transformed into other forms to power different bodily functions. And who wouldn’t want more energy in their daily life? So, where does posture fit into this equation? Well, efficient posture is the key to unlocking freedom of movement. It allows for more movement and, more importantly, better-quality movement. Being able to move easier means you will enjoy exercise more, so you will move more often and you will move correctly and efficiently. This is going to help your postpartum body bounce back quicker and safer so that you can get back to all the things you enjoyed pre-pregnancy.


The Pitfalls of Poor Posture Postpartum

Now, let’s talk about how pregnancy and childbirth can impact your posture. During pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes to accommodate your growing baby. This can result in a shift in your center of gravity, which often leads to a more pronounced arch in your lower back, a forward-leaning pelvis, and rounded shoulders. These changes can persist postpartum, especially if not addressed.

Postpartum, the demands on your body are still immense as you care for your newborn. If you maintain poor posture during this crucial period, it can exacerbate issues like back pain, neck strain, and even pelvic floor dysfunction. Slouching while breastfeeding, lifting your baby incorrectly, or simply not paying attention to your posture while performing daily tasks can contribute to these problems.

A Dynamic, new Approach to Posture

Start by shifting your mindset. Postural training doesn’t begin with exercises; it begins with a commitment to connect with your body regularly. Tune into your body, feel its needs, whether it’s movement or rest. Postural training is about embracing this connection. This is especially important postpartum as your body is both in recovery and producing the sustenance to support another life.

Postural training incorporates the core – the diaphragm, pelvic floor, spinal muscles and deep abdominals. All of these muscles are engaged when you train posture. You also work on your breathing, your balance and your skeletal alignment. All of these factors come together to support the restoration of your core postpartum so it’s almost like killing two birds with one stone! Train your posture, and your core benefits, train your core and your posture benefits.

Another way to think about posture is not as a static position that must be maintained at all times. Instead, posture is about movement. Postural training isn’t about standing up straight; it’s about achieving freedom of movement – the ability to move efficiently without pain or limitations. So as a new mom you might be feeling tired and protective of yourself but try to move everyday to build up your strength. Avoiding exercise will only delay your recovery and might even lead to mild forms of injury or chronic pain.


Creating healthy habits

Remember, you didn’t wake up one day with poor posture; it developed over time due to everyday habits (or nine months of pregnancy). However, you have the power to make positive changes in your body by incorporating healthy habits into your daily life. Our brains adapt to what we practice, so replacing bad habits with healthy ones can lead to lasting improvements over time. It’s all about making the right choices a part of your new normal.

Improving your posture isn’t just about standing up straight; it’s a dynamic approach to movement and well-being. By focusing on your posture, you’re opening doors to a postpartum recovery that’s pain-free, energizing, and empowering. So, make that commitment to prioritize your posture, and watch as it becomes a driving force in your postpartum journey towards a healthier, happier you. Don’t let poor posture postpartum hold you back from embracing all the joy and vitality that this incredible stage of life has to offer.

For additional support and/or guidance on how to begin your postpartum wellness journey, reach out via email or social media anytime or checkout my 12-week signature postpartum wellness program, Mommy Makeover.


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