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Today I wanted to discuss something we all want – body confidence. And I think there are some misconceptions around what it really is and how you can get more of it. So let’s get into it…

So much of what we think symbolizes beauty, happiness and success is depicted in the external – great bodies, big houses, designer clothes. It’s no wonder we think that having the perfect body would solve most of our problems and give us that inner confidence that models, singers and actresses seem to have.

But I believe quite firmly that that is only a portion of true body confidence. Here is my revised equation:

20% (The way you look) + 30% (the way you feel) + 50% (the things you can do)= Body Confidence

In other words, you might lose a ton of weight on a diet but if it’s highly restrictive and drains your energy, you’re not gonna feel great and that will make it hard to project an image of confidence to the world. Likewise, you may be slightly over or underweight but have incredible skills on a bike or in a boxing ring or on the dance floor and this alone gives you an enormous amount of confidence. Trusting your body, knowing its limitations or at least having the confidence to test them, that is the ultimate in body confidence.

That’s what children have and that’s why they are not hung up on the size and shape of their body. They’re not afraid to try new things, to express themselves non verbally. It’s only when they become aware of what society dictates as beauty that they start to analyze and compare themselves to that ideal.

We let the media dictate when we will be happy and doctors tell us when we will be healthy instead of honoring and trusting our own bodies. When are we going to stop putting our health and happiness into the hands of others? When are we going to realize that confidence and happiness are right there for the taking if we would just stop looking around and instead look within?

Do you agree with this equation? Do you have anything to add to it?

Let me know!

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