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How old were you when you learnt that ab training and core training are NOT the same thing? I was 34 years old and only found out the truth when I qualified as a Low Pressure Fitness coach for postnatal women!! 

So let me tell you a secret…You are missing out if you are “training your core” by mostly doing sit-ups and planks. There is WAY more to it. “Abs” and “Core” are used interchangeably but they are definitely not the same thing. 

Your abs are your “6-pack” muscles, your “blocks”. Their technical name is the Rectus Abdominis (RA). But your core is actually made up of 4 different muscles, none of which include your RA.

Your primary core muscles include the…

  • Transverse Abdominis (TVA) – think deepest abdominals like an inner corset
  • Diaphragm – that muscle that moves when you breath
  • Pelvic Floor – what you squeeze when you need to hold in a wee
  • Multifidus – tiny muscles connecting your vertebrae to each other.

You also have secondary core muscles like the…

  • Obliques
  • Glutes

Your core is your powerhouse and these muscles SHOULD work together to stabilize and protect the spine, prepare your body for movement, absorb shock and control any and every movement you make.

The problem is, pregnancy, being overweight, chronic pulmonary disorders like asthma and poor lifestyle factors make our core “lazy” and uncoordinated and the muscles either don’t work together in harmony or they simply don’t work at all – which is why core training is so important.

Training your core offers so many benefits, these include…

  • Increased all-over strength
  • Better movement quality
  • Enhanced athletic performance
  • Better bladder and bowel control
  • A tighter waistline
  • Improved posture
  • Increased energy and circulation

When you neglect training your core in its entirety – like with sit-ups and planks alone – you miss out on achieving your full athletic potential. Plus you tend to end up with pain and injuries because the wrong muscles are doing the wrong jobs to compensate for imbalance and weakness.

If you’d like help with training your core, feel free to drop me a message anytime to chat.

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