The Double-Edged Sword of Seeking Validation: Finding Fulfillment Beyond External Approval

The Double-Edged Sword of Seeking Validation: Finding Fulfillment Beyond External Approval

In the quest for a more fulfilling life, many of us find ourselves on a constant search for that elusive “something more.” It’s a feeling that something is missing, a void that we often attempt to fill with various substitutes: comfort food, compulsive shopping, or acquiring possessions we don’t truly need. Alternatively, this void can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth, inspiring us to explore new opportunities, take on challenges, and set ambitious goals. Yet, beneath the surface, we often discover that it’s not the achievement itself we’re after, but the external validation that comes with it.

The Pursuit of External Validation

As humans, we are social creatures by nature. We yearn for connection, belonging, and recognition from those around us. This innate desire for external validation can manifest in various aspects of our lives. When we accomplish something remarkable, we eagerly await the praise from friends and family. When we excel at work, we enjoy the admiration of colleagues and the envy of others. It’s not just about achieving goals or stepping out of our comfort zones; it’s about receiving validation from the people in our lives.

The Power of validation

There’s nothing inherently wrong with seeking validation from others. In fact, it can be a powerful motivator and a source of great satisfaction. External validation can boost our self-esteem, reinforce our efforts, and provide a sense of accomplishment. However, it becomes a double-edged sword when we rely solely on external sources for validation, making our self-worth dependent on the opinions of others.

The hidden costs

Relying solely on external validation can have hidden costs. We may find ourselves constantly chasing the next achievement, perpetually seeking validation to fill that void within us. This cycle can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a sense of emptiness when the external praise fades. Additionally, it can limit our personal growth, as we might avoid challenges that don’t guarantee public recognition.



The path to fulfillment

To live a more fulfilling life, it’s essential to strike a balance between external validation and intrinsic motivation. Here are some ways to navigate this delicate balance:

Cultivate Self-Validation: Begin by acknowledging your own accomplishments and progress. Develop a practice of self-compassion and celebrate your achievements, regardless of external recognition. For example, after completing a challenging workout, instead of posting a sweaty-faced selfie and seeking praise from others, take a moment to acknowledge your effort and progress. Tell yourself, “I showed up today, and I’m proud of my effort.”

Set Intrinsic Goals: Instead of focusing solely on goals that bring external praise, set goals that align with your passions and values. When you’re genuinely passionate about something, the validation it brings becomes secondary. For example, if you’re passionate about painting, set a goal to complete a series of artworks that express your inner emotions and creativity, rather than aiming for an exhibition or public recognition.

Nurture Intrinsic Motivation: Cultivate your inner drive by finding joy in the process itself. Embrace the journey, and you’ll find that external validation becomes a pleasant bonus rather than the sole purpose. For instance, if you’re working on your yoga practice, focus on the joy of movement  and the sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a new pose, rather than seeking praise from your yoga teacher.

Build a Supportive Community: Surround yourself with people who appreciate your efforts, not just your achievements. Seek connections with individuals who value you for who you are, not just what you’ve done. Find a tribe that celebrates your personal growth, whether it’s learning a new skill or conquering a fear.

Practice Mindfulness: Regular mindfulness and meditation can help you become more attuned to your inner self and reduce your dependence on external validation. During a meditation session, observe your thoughts without judgment. Recognize that your worth is not determined by external validation. Instead, find contentment in the present moment and your own self-awareness.

Help Others: The fastest way to fill your cup is by filling the cups of others Find satisfaction in helping others and making a positive impact on their lives. Try volunteering at a charity or offering your skills to mentor someone in need. The gratitude and appreciation you receive from those you assist can be deeply fulfilling and serve as a source of validation for your kindness and generosity.

feeling content

The pursuit of external validation is a common and understandable aspect of human nature. It’s not inherently negative, but when it becomes the primary source of our self-worth, it can hinder our personal growth and lead to a sense of emptiness. By nurturing self-validation, setting intrinsic goals, and finding fulfillment in the journey itself, we can strike a balance that allows us to lead more enriching and content lives. Ultimately, true validation comes from within, and by seeking it in other ways and from different sources, we can discover a more profound and lasting sense of fulfillment.

For additional support and/or guidance on how to begin your postpartum wellness journey, reach out via email or social media anytime or checkout my 12-week signature postpartum wellness program, Mommy Makeover.


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