Mommy Makeover 12 Week Program

get your body back!

Heal, restore and rebuild your self - mind, body and soul!

Mommy Makeover is my signature coaching program that helps moms restore their core and pelvic floor even years after giving birth and safely lose weight and get back in shape.

Re-claim your pre-baby body

Here are some of the issues your body may be dealing with postpartum

Also, healing doesn’t just mean the physical stuff. As moms we need the support of other women. We need to share our stories, our traumas and our triumphs in this new life we must now navigate. The support of the community that you receive while in the program is often the aspect that helps women to heal the most.

By the end of this program

you will…

…Completely rebuild and restore your core and pelvic floor – no more leaking when you laugh, no more uncontrollable urges to pee, no more pain and discomfort in your pelvic region, no more pooch, no more feeling weak, soft and vulnerable to injury! Just a body that works again!

…Rediscover who you are and what you love. Reconnect with that part of yourself that got lost along the way as a mother. 

…Master healthier lifestyle habits so that you never “fall off the wagon” again and living healthily will be your new normal.

…Become an expert in your own health so that you never feel like you have to put decisions around your body and your health into the hands of others.

…Uncover your deepest, most limiting beliefs, break them down and smash them apart so that you can unlock your true potential.


Because I have experienced it for myself.

i'm marise dusheiko

Professional dancer, long-time yogi, Pilates instructor and Postpartum Fitness and Flexibility Expert.

I’ve spent 2 decades working with the body, learning how to first master my own body and then help my clients master theirs.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients ranging from professional sportsmen and women, to artists, dance teachers, antenatal experts and everyone in between.

I’ve helped them all, not just to heal their bodies and reach their full athletic potential but also to rediscover the joy of movement and choose healthier behaviors as a new way of life, all using my unique, multi-dimensional approach.

But it wasn’t always this way…

After my third pregnancy I discovered I had a double prolapse. It was a very dark time for me and I remember feeling completely broken and ashamed of my body. I felt I was now defective and could never go back to the life I used to have.  I would look at other women and wonder if they knew how lucky they were to be normal and how I would give anything to go back and do things differently.

I was afraid of everything physical and I didn’t trust my body any more. This body that I had known so well my whole life, relied upon and loved had suddenly become a stranger to me. I was so scared that anything and everything would make it worse. 

I started having panic attacks and would just cry all the time. Intimacy was out of the question and my relationship suffered as I withdrew from my partner. I tried everything – endless kegels, physio, pelvic floor release, lying for hours with my pelvis elevated, Chinese herbs, Reiki, and hypnotherapy. Nothing worked,

It was only after discovering Low Pressure Fitness and Hypopressives that I started to feel hopeful again. I went through the training process and was certified as a LPF trainer. I practiced the exercises religiously while avoiding every other type of exercise and slowly, I began to heal.

After about 3 months of dedicated work, my symptoms were gone. No more bulging, no more heaviness in my pubic region, no more leaks and feeling like something was going to “fall out”. I slowly started incorporating some of my old exercise habits – yoga, a bit of dance, and as my strength grew so did my confidence in my body.

Today I am back to a full, active lifestyle. I do pole dance, aerial silks, mountain biking and lift weights. I never worry about my pelvic floor. In fact, I don’t even think about it. My sex life is back on track and I feel comfortable in my body, feminine and sexy once more.

You see, I have been there. I have felt what you are feeling. And despite seeing dozens of experts and spending hours and hours of my time and energy searching for solutions on Google, in the end it was me who put myself back together.

Mommy Makeover is different to anything else out there, here’s why… It’s more than just a postpartum or core restoration program. And it’s not just a weight loss/exercise program or meal plan. It’s a full body, holistic and lifestyle-based approach to healing and maintaining your health. It combines multiple techniques and disciplines to target your body in ways you never have before – LPF, yoga, dance, Pilates, fitness, strength, flexibility, posture – they are all included for their unique benefits to the body. Most programs out there barely give a nod to the importance of training your flexibility and posture. At best, you’ll get a few post-workout stretches.

With Mommy Makeover I’ve included the tools I gained through dance to help you build and maintain maximum levels of
flexibility so you can move like you did in your early 20’s, injury-proof your body and rediscover the joy of movement!! Some programs focus only on the core restoration phase and others only on the fitness phase, but Mommy Makeover will take you through each and every stage of your health and fitness journey. It’s the last program you will ever need to buy.

Next Level Extra's


Support is often the ONE THING you need to help you stay the course. Support couples strategy with accountability. Support helps you save time and money and reduces the timeframe of success to weeks instead of years. With Mommy Makeover you get support in the form of 1-on-1 weekly coaching from me and an online community of moms who are in the same stage as you.


When it comes to body transformation, you need the mental tools to stay committed. Systems, tools and programs are 20% of the game plan, but managing your mind is 80% of it. Mastering your mindset is the long-term game you need to get started on right now. I’ve included dozens of mental exercises and educational tools that help take back control of your health and your life!

here's what you get?

with this program



Several assessments to make sure you know how to ascertain



Dozens of Core-Strengthening workouts that focus on:

Posture, Mobility & Flexibility

Over 20 Posture, Mobility and Flexibility workouts that focus on:

fitness & sculpting

A variety of Low Impact Cardio, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Sculpting workouts that aim to:

Bonus Time!

Bonus Time! Because I want to make sure you have absolutely everything you need to heal, transform and get incredible results, you will also get access to these bonuses (collectively worth over $500!)
BONUS 1: “Posture Perfect”

A simple postural guide that will help you learn the basics of proper form and technique. Learning these simple techniques for good posture will help supercharge your postpartum healing efforts for maximum results but best of all, the tips and tools I provide can be implemented in your everyday life to help prevent injury, boost energy and speed up the closure of abdominal separation (Value $69).

BONUS 3: “Injury-Proof Your Body”

This 3-part mini course includes a lecture where you’ll learn how to treat, prevent and rehabilitate injuries at home. Plus, a cheat sheet for resolving the most common injuries, whether it’s a stiff neck and tension headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome or lower back pain. And finally, a routine for easing aches and pains - these focused exercises will help soothe the common aches and pains of modern living so you can instantly feel better and continue to heal and progress without pain (Value $299)

BONUS 2: “Checks and Charts”

A flexibility checklist and progress chart to use before you start and as you progress to constantly monitor your results and keep you on track. A program has no value if it does not help you keep track of your progress in relation to your goals, then you might as well sign up to a bunch of stretching classes at the gym. These tools will help you hit your goals and maintain your flexibility for good! (Value $69)

BONUS 4: “The Pain-Posture Connection”

In this masterclass learn the true meaning of good posture (it’s not at all what you think it is)! Learn how good posture prevents pain of many kinds and how your body responds and adapts to different kinds of postures. Understand the link between pain and posture and how you can change your mindset towards pain so it never again slows you down or rules your life. (Value $197)

the best post-partum


Learn the basics of clean eating and how to sustain your milk supply while losing weight with these great tools:

Mindset tools

To Help you Determine your “why” the core reason you want to transform once and for all so you never give up

all you need to know

frequently asked questions

Once postpartum always postpartum! It’s never too late to restore your core and pelvic floor, build strength and get flexible. Just start wherever you’re at in your postpartum journey and trust the process.

Most OB/GYN’s will suggest you wait until the 6 week mark if you had a normal vaginal delivery but updated guidelines now state you can start as soon as you feel ready. This could be as early as 1 week postpartum. With Mommy Makeover you can start whenever you feel ready to move again (the first phase is very gentle), however, for c-section moms, you will need to wait until the 12 week mark to perform the hypopressives/stomach vacuums – all the other exercises are fine for you to start when you feel ready.

Absolutely!! A core and pelvic floor strengthening program should ideally be a part of every woman’s fitness routine. Learning how to take care of your female anatomy is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life and will be especially important during pregnancy and menopause when hormones affect the integrity of the muscles, ligaments and connective tissue the most.

For pregnant ladies, all exercises except the stomach vacuums (hypopressives) and some twists are safe. For individual concerns you can reach out at any point for additional guidance.

As with any exercise program, you need to exercise caution and use your own judgment. Most doctors will advise that regular exercise only improves most physical ailments and conditions and it has been my experience that movement is its own kind of medicine. The exercises and routines in this program start off very gently and progress over 12 weeks (with lots of variations and modifications along the way) meaning you are unlikely to encounter something your body is not ready for or able to handle. In addition, you have 1:1 coaching sessions with me and 24/7 support available so can reach out anytime if something doesn’t feel right or you have concerns.

Mommy Makeover was meticulously researched and developed to address:

Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation), 

Pelvic organ prolapse, 

Fecal or urinary incontinence (leaking),

Mummy Tummy or pooch

Postural imbalances (slouching, rib flare and hyperextension), 

Pain (lower back, joints, hips and pelvis), 

Core weakness

Propensity to injury

Stiffness/inflexibility and limited mobility

Weight gain

Nope. The program is, in fact, designed to be a home-based program because we know how unstructured and unpredictable your day is.

Yes. The following is required to complete the exercises for maximum results:

  • Yoga mat
  • 2-4 x Yoga Blocks (soft, foam ones are best)
  • Resistance bands – small loop band, long theraband, long loop band OR cable band
  • Balls – large Pilates ball, small ball (kiddies ball is fine or otherwise a small Pilates ball)
  • Foam roller or additional rolled up yoga mat
  • 1-2 sets of dumbells (anywhere from 1.5kg/3lbs to 3kg/6lbs)
  • Yoga strap/belt/robe tie (useful if you’re extremely inflexible)
  • Chair or small, firm bench
  • Step or access to stairs
  • Access to a wall

Mommy Makeover is divided into 3 phases – core restoration, strength and flexibility, nutrition and fitness. Each phase builds on the next allowing you to take care of the basics before building up your strength, fitness and flexibility.

Each phase is roughly 4 weeks but the progression is gradual and you won’t even know when you’ve entered the next phase.

Each day you log in and will see a day-by-day breakdown of the exercises you need to do via video. You can do all videos in one go or break them up throughout your day. Total exercise time will be between 20-60 minutes a day with scheduled rest days a few times a week.

In the first week of the program we will also schedule a weekly 1:1 coaching session on Zoom at a time that is convenient for you.

Exercise is one thing, but full on confidence is about more than just what you look like. It’s about believing in yourself and loving yourself. It’s about having the mental, physical and emotional resilience to tackle anything life throws at you with grace and kindness. Mommy Makeover helps you tap into your mental power, your internal strength, so you can go after your dreams, feel comfortable in your skin and radiate confidence in all aspects of your life.

If you’re ready to restore your core and pelvic floor, safely lose weight and get back your confidence, what are you waiting for? Join Mommy Makeover today and experience a once-in-a-lifetime, total transformation!

Is this for you If...

You have unwanted changes to your body post-pregnancy that are really bothering you – abdominal separation, incontinence or “leaking”, prolapse, pain or discomfort in your pelvic region, lower back pain, a stubborn “pooch”, weakness and instability especially in your core.

You are tired of being on the dieting rollercoaster and are ready to make “healthy” your new normal.

You want to feel “at home” in your body again – comfortable in your skin, confident in your looks and capabilities.

You’re ready to invest time and energy into your healing and personal growth. 


get in touch

If you’d like to find out more or have questions, feel free to book a call with me
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postpartum fitness specialist

My Mission is to help women safely rebuild their post-partum bodies and reconnect to their feminine power through movement so they can feel strong, beautiful and confident again.

© 2018 All rights Reserved. Marise Dusheiko
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